New finishes

Anam Cara finished at 9:26.  Right behind her was Riva at 9:28.54

While they were finishing, we heard from Velocity that they were about an hour out and from California Girl that she was at Race Rocks.

Looks like it's going to be a busy night!

The first day out was really rough!

It appears that the first day out on this race was tough on everyone. We lost Katzenjammer due to seasick crew. We just heard from Wy'East that Cool Change was going into Neah Bay with mechanical issues. Both California Girl and Wave Dancer had mechanical issues at the finish and couldn't go directly to customs. Frank told us that the waves were very confused and he wasn't surprised that folks were having both physical and mechanical issues.

Latest Report from Cal Gal

Victoria Lessley, of California Girl, left us a message at about 8:30 am this morning.

They are flying down the Straits under chute. They were about 4 miles from Sheringham point. Since we just got that message, it is likely that by now they have passed Sheringham headed our way. We expect to hear from them next when they reach Race Rocks.