Other Information and Links

Mooring Reservations at the Port of Ilwaco

To make mooring reservations for the race in Ilwaco, complete instructions and a form are at this link: https://www.portofilwaco.com/pacific-nw-offshore-yacht-race-2025, or call 360-642-3143. For other information about the port, the main marina website is: www.portofilwaco.com.

Mooring Reservations in Victoria - Greater Victoria Harbor Authority

To make mooring reservations for after the race and to stay moored in Victoria until Swiftsure, use this link: https://gvha.ca/marinas-facilities/reservations/ It is imperative that if you are even considering doing the race that you IMMEDIATELY get moorage reserved! Please, please reserve early and note in the reservation that you are doing the Pacific NW Offshore. The appropriate choice is “Low Season Transient Moorage” at Wharf Street. Even though there are links on the GVHA site to “Contact Us,” use only the link above. It is best to not to attempt to use email or phone to contact them for a host of reasons. If you have any concerns, please contact us before attempting to contact the GVHA.

Here is a link for information surrounding getting to the harbor, which includes a link to the Transport Canada Harbour Traffic Scheme. https://gvha.ca/marinas-facilities/marinas/

Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau

CYC is working closely with the Ilwaco Merchants Association for ground support. For local information, follow "Discover Ilwaco" on Facebook, or visit: www.discoverilwaco.com 

Additional area information can be found through the Long Beach Peninsula Visitor Bureau website at: www.visitlbp.com


We're pleased to include a division for multihulls in the 2025 race. A set of multihull specific SERs has been developed in collaboration with the Northwest Multihull Association. NWMA supports multihull racers, cruisers, and builders in the Pacific Northwest area. Check out their website at https://northwestmultihull.org.

Swiftsure International Yacht Race

The Swiftsure International Yacht Race organized by the Royal Victoria Yacht Club (RVYC) has been a premiere event and a steadfast fixture in Northwest sailboat racing. The RVYC has been a great supporting club of the Pacific NW Offshore from the early days for all racers in the Pacific NW Offshore. If you haven’t done one of the 4 long courses or the inshore racing, you’re missing out both on great racing and a fantastic excuse to spend time in Victoria, BC.

Victoria to Maui International Yacht Race
Even though the race has been cancelled for this year [2024] because of the fires in Lahaina, we want to acknowledge our partner here and look forward to the next cycle of the race. The Victoria to Maui International Yacht Race, first contested in 1965, is the pinnacle of Pacific Northwest ocean racing. Vic-Maui runs every second year, starting in June or July off Victoria, British Columbia and finishing near Lahaina, Maui, a distance of approximately 2308 nautical miles. Vic-Maui challenges navigators to demonstrate their weather routing and navigational skills. The adventure includes sailing around the Pacific High and surfing downwind in the trades. The days pass quickly with the fleet surrounded by dolphins and albatross, spectacular sunrises, sunsets and brilliant starlit nights. Family and friends meet the racers at the finish to celebrate the accomplishment with hugs, leis and Mai-Tai. The Pacific NW Offshore is a qualifying race for Vic-Maui.

Bruce Hedrick

Bruce has raced and cruised the Pacific Northwest his entire life. He earned a Bachelor’s of Science from the University of Washington in Biological Oceanography and learned meteorology “to keep from getting kicked around on the race course.” Bruce spent nearly two decades as Associate Publisher for Northwest Yachting Magazine, retiring in mid-2015, and was the chairman of the board of trustees for the Northwest Marine Trade Association in 2014. He is the Chief Forecaster for Meadow Point Marine, providing event-specific weather forecasts, as well as vessel routing services for both power and sail. He did the weather briefing at the Pacific NW Offshore Skippers Meeting in 2019, and if schedule permits, will do so again this year along with agreeing to do inspections for the Offshore in Puget Sound. Check out his weather briefings and other Pacific Northwest sailing news at https://sailish.com/