Details of the new Cascadia Cup Race

Corinthian Yacht Club of Portland, Oregon is inviting all racing yachts to participate in the first annual Cascadia Cup.  

This event is a race within a race and is open to all yachts that participate in the Oregon Offshore International Yacht Race and the Swiftsure International Yacht Race events.  

Swiftsure counting events are: Swiftsure Lightship Classic (PHRF Only), Cape Flattery Monohull (PHRF), and Juan De Fuca (PHRF). There will be a single trophy awarded for the overall winning yacht, consisting of a take-home commemorative plaque and a perpetual trophy which will be kept at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club in Victoria, BC, Canada.

The event will be open to all yachts possessing a current PHRF NW rating which enter the Oregon Offshore Race and the counting Swiftsure races.  Scoring will be by cumulative time and distance. Ties will be broken by awarding the win to the yacht with the best numerical finishes.

Corinthian Yacht Club will be issuing an official Notice of Race soon.  Sailing Instructions will be issued approximately two weeks before the start of the Offshore.

For further information, please contact the following;
Commodore: Craig W. Garrison:

Race Captain: Dennis Damore: