The sky is blue, no wind for you.

Sailing on Sundays Racers

Oh, my, are we all grateful that last Sunday's "race" actually finished in the allocated maximum 3 hour time limit. What would we have done without the current? Fred was worried that the tide was going to change, and we were going to go up river backwards. He kept watching the GPS and knotmeter with a running commentary. I said we just needed to watch the bubbles on the water beside the boat. If we were moving faster than the bubbles, we would know that we would eventually pass the Committee Boat.

Since Thanksgiving is in tomorrow, I think it's valuable to share what I'm thankful for in regard to that race just like I would say around the dinner table before we devour the turkey:

  • That the committee saw mercy on us racers and motored down to Buoy 2 to shorten the our misery;

  • That Apex and Jam-Jam decided to tack to starboard shortly after the "start" so Fury could drift faster than them all the way down to the finish;

  • That, actually, there was no wind since Fred could only put together a crew of 4 of us, and at the start I was beginning to have premonitions of me on the foredeck needing to grow two more sets of arms so we could set the chute;

  • And, finally, as Kent has told me more than once, and I've said before in this blog, "I could have been doing yard work."

On to other notes:

  • The new CYC website is up! It only took 10 months and bringing in a professional to get it done. Thank you Josh! Such is the life of a non-profit, all volunteer organization. Go see it at: We have some details to work out and more resources to add, but it's a full fledged working website right now.

  • A big feature is that the new site has Sailing on Sunday and the Pacific NW Offshore all in one place. Whoo hoo! Just click on the respective menus to see their home pages and get information and links to results and, well, everything.

  • And, everything includes registration for both SOS and the Offshore! Yes, the Offshore registration is live! We already have two registrations: Souffle and Free Bowl of Soup. Time's a wasting...go register so you can be part of the party at our new host city, Ilwaco, WA.

Finally, no racing next weekend. Good thing given they're predicting the possibility of snow. You can always go out on your own and call all the rest of us sitting by the fire wusses. If you do, while you're out there in ski gloves and long underwear, just remember, anything is better than yard work.

See you in two weeks on the river,

Denny Damore, CYC SOS Race Captain