Kick-off Get Together at Kells Brewery

Pacific NW Offshore Skippers, Crew, and Supporters,

KICKOFF GET TOGETHER, Monday April 18 (one week out): We have decided to go ahead with a traditional “kickoff,” in-person, get together here in Portland on April 18. The tradition goes back many years having been held at Kells Irish Pub in downtown Portland, but, alas, that’s not possible for a variety of reasons. Instead, they have a smaller place, Kells Brewery, on NW 21st Street that looks perfect. [ 210 NW 21st Ave, Portland, OR 97209] They’ve given us the same deal as always, no charge for the venue, but their revenue comes from food and drink. Please bring your hungry stomachs and a healthy thirst. We’ll start at 6:00. This is NOT a skipper’s meeting or anything formal related to the NOR, SI, SERs, etc. We’ll save any of that for the Skippers Meeting and the official Notice Board. It’s just a time to celebrate getting mostly back to normal for the PNWO.

See you at Kells and Ilwaco,

Denny Damore
CYC Commodore, Pacific NW Offshore Race Captain