PNW Offshore Update March 10

Pacific NW Offshore Racers, Crew, and Support Teams,

Time for an update. First, we now have 16 boats registered for the race! Our goal is, as it was in 2020, 25-30 participants. We’re more than halfway to our stretch goal with 4 more boats that I know about who will be signing up shortly. Can you say, “pent up demand?” If you are on the bubble, know that we are pulling out all the stops to make sure this race happens. I note that Transpac just published an open letter saying that they are full speed ahead. And, with Covid numbers improving and the fact that we moved the date back a month, we are seeing much more optimism from skippers and even our own Board Members that we’re on track to have the race.

Second, we are beginning the coordination between skippers and inspectors relating to SER compliance. If you have any SER questions either as a registered boat or as a prospective participant, reach out to me and either I or Craig Garrison will get back in touch.

Third, we will be updating the website more frequently that we have been doing including adding photos of boats that have entered with squibs about their perspectives on the race – check back often.

Finally, we have neither published Covid Guidelines or Sailing Instructions for the race to this point given the shifting sands of all things pandemic related. As either of these documents are ready, we will post here and on the website.

Denny Damore
CYC Commodore, Pacific NW Offshore Race Captain